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Map-free Visual Relocalization

Aron Monszpart

Suite 6

Mon 30 Sep, midnight PDT

Keywords:  Scene Understanding  

The Map-free Visual Relocalization workshop investigates topics related to metric visual relocalization relative to a single reference image instead of relative to a map. This problem is of major importance to many higher level applications, such as Augmented/Mixed Reality, SLAM and 3D reconstruction. It is important now, because both industry and academia are debating whether and how to build HD-maps of the world for those tasks. Our community is working to reduce the need for such maps in the first place.x000D
We host the first Map-free Visual Relocalization Challenge 2024 competition with two tracks: map-free metric relative pose from a single image to a single image (proposed by Arnold et al. in ECCV 2022) and from a query sequence to a single image (new). While the former is a more challenging and thus interesting research topic, the latter represents a more realistic relocalization scenario, where the system making the queries may fuse information from query images and tracking poses over a short amount of time and baseline. We invite papers to be submitted to the workshop.

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