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Vittorio Murino
General Chairs
Andrew Fitzgibbon
General Chairs
Laura Leal-Taixé
General Chairs
Yisong Yue
Ethics Review Committee
Remi Denton
Ethics Review Committee

Remi Denton (they/them) is a Staff Research Scientist at Google, within the Technology, AI, Society, and Culture team, where they study the sociocultural impacts of AI technologies and conditions of AI development. Prior to joining Google, Remi received their PhD in Computer Science from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, where they focused on unsupervised learning and generative modeling of images and video. Prior to that, they received their BSc in Computer Science and Cognitive Science at the University of Toronto.

Though trained formally as a computer scientist, Remi draws ideas and methods from multiple disciplines and is drawn towards highly interdisciplinary collaborations, in order to examine AI systems from a sociotechnical perspective. Remi’s recent research centers on emerging text- and image-based generative AI, with a focus on data considerations and representational harms. Remi published under the name "Emily Denton".

Chloé Bakalar
Ethics Review Committee
Kate Saenko
Ethics Review Committee
Aleš Leonardis
Program Chairs
Elisa Ricci
Program Chairs
Gül Varol
Program Chairs
Torsten Sattler
Program Chairs
Olga Russakovsky
Program Chairs
Stefan Roth
Program Chairs
Cees Snoek
Industry Liaison Chairs
Shaogang Gong
Industry Liaison Chairs
Nicole Finn
Finance Chairs
Gerard Medioni
Finance Chairs
Michael Moeller
Publication Chairs
Francois Bremond
Publication Chairs
Jovita Lukasik
Publication Chairs
Marco Cristani
Demo Chairs
Hyung Chang
Demo Chairs

Dr. Hyung Jin Chang is an Associate Professor in the school of computer science at the University of Birmingham. Before joining the University of Birmingham, he was a post-doctoral researcher at Imperial College London and received his PhD degree from Seoul National University. His research combines multiple artificial intelligence areas, including computer vision, machine learning, robotics, and intelligent human-computer interaction. His research career started focusing on theoretical underpinnings of machine learning, and it has converged on applying these aspects to more practical problems in visual surveillance, HCI, and robotics, with an emphasis on estimating human eye gaze, hand pose, body pose, kinematic structure, and 6D object pose etc. Recently, his research has focused on exploiting and making advances in computer vision and deep learning techniques to move toward intelligent human-robot/human-computer interaction based on visual data. Moreover, he extends his expertise to interdisciplinary research, where he applies cutting-edge deep learning technologies to fields like brain imaging analysis for diagnostic purposes and enhancing rehabilitation exercises.

Aljoša Ošep
Poster Chairs
Zuzana Kukelova
Poster Chairs
Konstantinos Derpanis
Publicity and social media chair
Rita Cucchiara
Diversity Chairs
David Fouhey
Diversity Chairs
Giovanni Maria Farinella
Social Activities Chair
Simone Bianco
Social Activities Chair


Raffaella Lanzarotti
Social Activities Chair
Raffaella Lanzarotti
Local Chairs
Simone Bianco
Local Chairs


Cigdem Beyan
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Or Litany
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Greg Mori
Conference Ombud
Georgia Gkioxari
Conference Ombud
Lee Campbell
Web Developer