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HeadGaS: Real-Time Animatable Head Avatars via 3D Gaussian Splatting

Helisa Dhamo · Yinyu Nie · Arthur Moreau · Jifei Song · Richard Shaw · Yiren Zhou · Eduardo PĂ©rez Pellitero

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Wed 2 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


3D head animation has seen major quality and runtime improvements over the last few years, particularly empowered by the advances in differentiable rendering and neural radiance fields. Real-time rendering is a highly desirable goal for real-world applications. We propose HeadGaS, a model that uses 3D Gaussian Splats (3DGS) for 3D head reconstruction and animation. In this paper we introduce a hybrid model that extends the explicit 3DGS representation with a base of learnable latent features, which can be linearly blended with low-dimensional parameters from parametric head models to obtain expression-dependent color and opacity values. We demonstrate that HeadGaS delivers state-of-the-art results in real-time inference frame rates, surpassing baselines by up to 2 dB, while accelerating rendering speed by over x10.

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