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Grid-Attention: Enhancing Computational Efficiency of Large Vision Models without Fine-Tuning

Pengyu Li · biao wang · Tianchu Guo · Xian-Sheng Hua

Strong blind review: This paper was not made available on public preprint services during the review process Strong Double Blind
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Tue 1 Oct 7:30 a.m. PDT — 9:30 a.m. PDT


Recently, transformer-based large vision models, \eg, the Segment Anything Model (SAM) and Stable Diffusion (SD), have achieved remarkable success in the computer vision field. However, the quartic complexity within the transformer's Multi-Head Attention (MHA) leads to substantial computational costs in these models whose inputs and outputs are high-resolution. Although several prior works attempted to alleviate this challenge, none have successfully reduced the complexity and latency of large vision models while preserving their remarkable capabilities without requiring enormous efforts and GPU hours to re-train or fine-tune the models. To address the challenge, we propose a simple yet effective plug-and-play transformer block called Grid-Attention(GridAttn). The GridAttn integrates the proposed Grid Clustering module, Grid Distributing strategies, and Grid Recovering module with common MHA to enhance the large vision models' computational efficiency and preserve their performance without the need for re-training or fine-tuning their parameters. We conduct extensive experiments on recent high-resolution tasks, including zero-shot instance segmentation (SAM, Expedit-SAM), text-to-image generation (Stable Diffusion V2.1), and semantic segmentation (SegFormer B0-B5). The experiments demonstrate that: Without any training or fine-tuning, GridAttn reduces GFlops by the range of [4.6%, 16.1%] and GPU inference latency by [8.2%, 21.4%], all while achieving equivalent performance (the performance bias ratio is less than 1%). Furthermore, the experiments present that GridAttn can also be trained from scratch or fine-tuned with very slight fine-tuning costs, resulting in a significantly improved performance-efficiency tradeoff. As a recommendation, we encourage the community to incorporate our GridAttn whenever deploying a well-trained transformer directly, fine-tuning a pre-trained one, or training a new one from scratch. The source code will be released.

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