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PanGu-Draw: Advancing Resource-Efficient Text-to-Image Synthesis with Time-Decoupled Training and Reusable Coop-Diffusion

Guansong Lu · Yuanfan Guo · Jianhua Han · Minzhe Niu · Yihan Zeng · Songcen Xu · Wei Zhang · Hang Xu · Zhao Zhong · Zeyi Huang

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Fri 4 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


Current large-scale diffusion models represent a giant leap forward in conditional image synthesis, capable of interpreting diverse cues like text, human poses, and edges. However, their reliance on substantial computational resources and extensive data collection remains a bottleneck. On the other hand, the integration of existing diffusion models, each specialized for different controls and operating in unique latent spaces, poses a challenge due to incompatible image resolutions and latent space embedding structures, hindering their joint use. Addressing these constraints, we present PanGu-Draw, a novel latent diffusion model designed for resource-efficient text-to-image synthesis that adeptly accommodates multiple control signals. We first propose a resource-efficient Time-Decoupling Training Strategy, which splits the monolithic text-to-image model into structure and texture generators. Each generator is trained using a regimen that maximizes data utilization and computational efficiency, cutting data preparation by 48% and reducing training resources by 51%. Secondly, we introduce Coop-Diffusion, an algorithm that enables the cooperative use of various pre-trained diffusion models with different latent spaces and predefined resolutions within a unified denoising process. This allows for multi-control image synthesis at arbitrary resolutions without the necessity for additional data or retraining. Empirical validations of Pangu-Draw show its exceptional prowess in text-to-image and multi-control image generation, suggesting a promising direction for future model training efficiencies and generation versatility. The largest 5B T2I PanGu-Draw model will be released soon on the Ascend platform.

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