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ReLoo: Reconstructing Humans Dressed in Loose Garments from Monocular Video in the Wild

Chen Guo · Tianjian Jiang · Manuel Kaufmann · Chengwei Zheng · Julien Valentin · Jie Song · Otmar Hilliges

Strong blind review: This paper was not made available on public preprint services during the review process Strong Double Blind
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Fri 4 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


While previous years have seen great progress in the 3D reconstruction of humans from monocular videos, few of the state-of-the-art methods are able to handle loose garments that exhibit large non-rigid surface deformations during articulation. This limits the application of such methods to humans that are dressed in standard pants or T-shirts. We present ReLoo, a novel method that overcomes this limitation and reconstructs high-quality 3D models of humans dressed in loose garments from monocular in-the-wild videos. To tackle this problem, we first establish a layered neural human representation that decomposes clothed humans into a neural inner body and outer clothing. On top of the layered neural representation, we further introduce a non-hierarchical virtual bone deformation module for the clothing layer that can freely move, which allows the accurate recovery of non-rigidly deforming loose clothing. A global optimization is formulated that jointly optimizes the shape, appearance, and deformations of both the human body and clothing over the entire sequence via multi-layer differentiable volume rendering. To evaluate ReLoo, we record subjects with dynamically deforming garments in a multi-view capture studio. The evaluation of our method, both on existing and our novel dataset, demonstrates its clear superiority over prior art on both indoor datasets and in-the-wild videos.

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