Disentangled Clothed Avatar Generation from Text Descriptions
Jionghao Wang · Yuan Liu · Zhiyang Dou · Zhengming Yu · Yongqing Liang · Cheng Lin · Rong Xie · Li Song · Xin Li · Wenping Wang
# 301
In this paper, we introduce a novel text-to-avatar generation method that separately generates the human body and the clothes and allows high-quality animation on the generated avatar. While recent advancements in text-to-avatar generation have yielded diverse human avatars from text prompts, these methods typically combine all elements—clothes, hair, and body—into a single 3D representation. Such an entangled approach poses challenges for downstream tasks like editing or animation. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel disentangled 3D avatar representation named Sequentially Offset-SMPL (SO-SMPL), building upon the SMPL model. SO-SMPL represents the human body and clothes with two separate meshes but associates them with offsets to ensure the physical alignment between the body and the clothes. Then, we design a Score Distillation Sampling (SDS)-based distillation framework to generate the proposed SO-SMPL representation from text prompts. In comparison with existing text-to-avatar methods, our approach not only achieves higher texture and geometry quality and better semantic alignment with text prompts, but also significantly improves the visual quality of character animation, virtual try-on, and avatar editing. We further show that our method also allows for generating complex garments, such as multi-layered clothes and skirts.