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High-Quality Mesh Blendshape Generation from Face Videos via Neural Inverse Rendering

Xin Ming · Jiawei Li · Jingwang Ling · Libo Zhang · Feng Xu

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Fri 4 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


Readily editable mesh blendshapes have been widely used in animation pipelines, while recent advancements in neural geometry and appearance representations have enabled high-quality inverse rendering. Building upon these observations, we introduce a novel technique that reconstructs mesh-based blendshape rigs from single or sparse multi-view videos, leveraging state-of-the-art neural inverse rendering. We begin by constructing a deformation representation that parameterizes vertex displacements into differential coordinates with tetrahedral connections, allowing for high-quality vertex deformation on high-resolution meshes. By constructing a set of semantic regulations in this representation, we achieve joint optimization of blendshapes and expression coefficients. Furthermore, to enable a user-friendly multi-view setup with unsynchronized cameras, we use a neural regressor to model time-varying motion parameters. Experiments demonstrate that, with the flexible input of single or sparse multi-view videos, we reconstruct personalized high-fidelity blendshapes. These blendshapes are both geometrically and semantically accurate, and they are compatible with industrial animation pipelines. Code and data are available at

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