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SUP-NeRF: A Streamlined Unification of Pose Estimation and NeRF for Monocular 3D Object Reconstruction

Yuliang Guo · Abhinav Kumar · Cheng Zhao · Ruoyu Wang · Xinyu Huang · Liu Ren

# 99
[ ] [ Paper PDF ]
Thu 3 Oct 7:30 a.m. PDT — 9:30 a.m. PDT


Monocular 3D reconstruction for categorical objects heavily relies on accurately perceiving each object's pose. While gradient-based optimization within a NeRF framework updates initially given poses, this paper highlights that such a scheme fails when the initial pose even moderately deviates from the true pose. Consequently, existing methods often depend on a third-party 3D object to provide an initial object pose, leading to increased complexity and generalization issues. To address these challenges, we present UPNeRF, a Unified network integrating Pose estimation and NeRF-based reconstruction, bringing us closer to real-time monocular 3D object reconstruction. UPNeRF decouples the object's dimension estimation and pose refinement to resolve the scale-depth ambiguity, and introduces an effective projected-box representation that generalizes well cross different domains. While using a dedicated pose estimator that smoothly integrates into an object-centric NeRF , UPNeRF is free from external 3D detectors. UPNeRF achieves state-of-the-art results in both reconstruction and pose estimation tasks on the nuScenes dataset. Furthermore, UPNeRF exhibits exceptional Cross-dataset generalization on the KITTI and Waymo datasets, surpassing prior methods with up to 50\% reduction in rotation and translation error.

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