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Dolfin: Diffusion Layout Transformers without Autoencoder

Yilin Wang · Zeyuan Chen · Liangjun Zhong · Zheng Ding · Zhuowen Tu

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Thu 3 Oct 7:30 a.m. PDT — 9:30 a.m. PDT


In this paper, we introduce a novel generative model, Diffusion Layout Transformers without Autoencoder (Dolfin), which significantly improves the modeling capability with reduced complexity compared to existing methods. Dolfin employs a Transformer-based diffusion process to model layout generation. In addition to an efficient bi-directional (non-causal joint) sequence representation, we further propose an autoregressive diffusion model (Dolfin-AR) that is especially adept at capturing rich semantic correlations, such as alignment, size, overlap, and neighborhood, between layout items/elements. When evaluated against standard generative layout benchmarks, Dolfin notably improves performance across various metrics, enhancing transparency and interoperability in the process. Moreover, Dolfin's applications extend beyond layout generation, making it suitable for modeling generative geometric structures, such as line segments. Our experiments present both qualitative and quantitative results to demonstrate the advantages of Dolfin.

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