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Language-Image Pre-training with Long Captions

Kecheng Zheng · Yifei Zhang · Wei Wu · Fan Lu · Shuailei Ma · Xin Jin · Wei Chen · Yujun Shen

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Wed 2 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


Language-image pre-training largely relies on how precisely and thoroughly a text describes its paired image. In practice, however, the contents of an image can be so rich that well describing them requires lengthy captions (\textit{e.g.}, with 10 sentences), which are usually missing in existing datasets. Consequently, there are currently no clear evidences on whether and how language-image pre-training could benefit from long captions. To figure this out, we first re-caption 30M images with detailed descriptions using a pre-trained Multi-modality Large Language Model (MLLM), and then study the usage of the resulting captions under a contrastive learning framework. We observe that, each sentence within a long caption is very likely to describe the image partially (\textit{e.g.}, an object). Motivated by this, we propose to dynamically sample sub-captions from the text label to construct multiple positive pairs, and introduce a grouping loss to match the embeddings of each sub-caption with its corresponding local image patches in a self-supervised manner. Experimental results on a wide rage of downstream tasks demonstrate the consistent superiority of our method, termed DreamLIP, over previous alternatives, highlighting its fine-grained representational capacity. It is noteworthy that, on the tasks of image-text retrieval and semantic segmentation, our model trained with 30M image-text pairs achieves on par or even better performance than CLIP trained with 400M pairs. The code and generated captions will be made publicly available.

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